- Summer courses must be self-supporting. Therefore, courses must have a minimum of 12-14 students as REGISTERED and PAID participants to offer the course. Please contact your adviser, then check with the LIS office for course information. This will help us to estimate the number of students who will be taking the courses and give a warning if a course must be canceled.
- There are two HITS courses that run for six weeks, MWF, 5:00-7:15.
- Students may take 2 six-week classes at the same period, especially since the classes are either M-W-F or T-TH.
- Students can take both the six week HITS LIS 689 (or LIS 693) and the six-week online class LIS 694 during the same six-week period since the online course is asynchronous, although you will certainly be busy.
- Students may not simultaneously take a six week class and a three week class during the same time period.
- Outreach College has its own admission system if you are not a UH Manoa student. Summer tuition is considerably lower in summer for out of state students, compared to the fall and spring semesters.
- Don't forget that our courses are listed under Summer Extension as there are two summer periods.
- Unclassified students need to secure approval from the LIS Program before registering for LIS courses. Please provide your UH student ID number and status. Classified UHM LIS students should register with their academic adviser.
- UH Manoa has the only LIS Program that will allow you to graduate while taking courses in the Summers Only plan.
- Students coming to Hawaii from elsewhere should check out our Aloha Guide for suggestions.
[Three Week Course]: Meets 27 May - 13 June:
[LIS 693]: Special Topics in Librarianship: Geography and Cartography for Librarians
Instructor: Gary Fitzpatrick (MLS, Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, ret.)
Prerequisites: None. (Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:40 pm. on Mondays - Fridays
Location: Bilger 319.
Description: LIS: 693:Geography and Cartography for Librarians: Summer 2008
This class will focus on the geographic nature of information and has as its goals: 1) an appreciation of the traditional forms of geographic information found in libraries (maps, atlases, gazetteers, etc.); 2) a basic understanding of the role of modern geographic technologies (geographic information systems, aerial and space imaging, global positioning systems, etc.) in research, the management of assets and the delivery of services; 3) and the intrinsic geographic elements of various forms of data and information found in libraries.
Traditional forms of geographic information will be examined through a brief review of the history of cartography followed by a deeper exploration of the history and legacy of mapping in Hawaii, with the emphasis being on understanding maps as a graphical form of data storage and presentation. Modern geographic technologies will be examined through a demonstration of GIS applications and examination of web-based tools and services that incorporate various forms of spatial data. The geographic nature of information will be presented through an analysis of such concepts as data classification, data structure, spatial analysis, symbolization, and basic elements of map reading (scale, map projection, coordinate systems, etc.).
Mr. Fitzpatrick was formerly the Senior Specialist for Digital Programs at the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress, in which capacity he was responsible for identifying and incorporating modern technologies and information into the Division’s services and collections. In addition to his thirty-five year career in map librarianship, he is the author /coauthor of three volumes on the history of Hawaiian cartography. Since retiring from the Library of Congress, Mr. Fitzpatrick also served as Senior Fellow for Public Affairs at the Association of American Geographers and advised the University of Hawaii on rebuilding its map collections following the floods of 2004.
[Three Week Course]: Meets June 16-July 3:
[LIS 610]: Introduction to Library & Information Science
Instructor: Joyce Yukawa (Assistant Professor, MLIS Program, College of St. Catherine)
Prerequisites: None. (Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Time: 1 pm - 3.40 pm.
Location: Bilger 319.
Description: Lecture/discussion course on role of libraries, their social utility in information societies. History and future of libraries in changing technological world. Information professions, information ethics, intellectual freedom, intellectual property, information access, national/international library developments.
[Six Week Courses]: Meet May 28 - July 3:
[LIS 601]: Introduction to Reference & Information Services [HITS]
Instructor: Jan Tamiko Kamiya (Young Adult Librarian, Manoa Public Library, HSPLS)
Prerequisites: None. (Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:15 pm. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (ending 7/2/08)
Location: Kukendall 201 + HITS sites in Hawaii.
Description: Philosophy, principles and practice of reference services in libraries, information centers and information literacy. Bibliographic control, reference research, reference interview, online searching, evaluation of bibliographic and Webliographic material. Field component.
[Six Week Courses]: Meet July 7 - August 14:
[LIS 693]: Special Topics in Librarianship: Serials and Electronic Resources Librarianship
Instructors: Lori Ann Saeki (Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library), and Amy J. Carlson (Head of Serials, Collection Services, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library)
Prerequisites: LIS 615 or instructor consent. (Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:40 pm. on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Location: Hamilton Library, Room 153.
Description: An introduction to challenges and issues of Serials and Electronic Resources Librarianship. Coverage areas include budgeting, licensing, acquisitions and the management of resources as well as staff.
[LIS 689]: Asian American Materials for Children and Youth [HITS]
Instructor: Nyla L. Fujii-Babb (MLS Librarian, Salt Lake/Moanalua Public Library, ret., HSPLS)
Prerequisites: None. (Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:15 pm. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (ending 8/13/08)
Location: Kukendall 201 + HITS sites in Hawaii.
Description: Study of Asian-American resources for young people, including an overview of socio-historical roots of these ethnic groups. Evaluation of resources; examination of curriculum and program uses in a multicultural context.
[Six Week Online Course]: Meets July 10 - August 10:
[LIS 694]: Special Topics in Information Technology: Visual Information Science
Instructor: Yan Ma (Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, University of Rhode Island)
Prerequisites: LIS 601 & LIS 605 or permission of instructor.)(Pre-approval from LIS Program).
Dates and Time: MWF (5:00 pm - 7:15 pm) July 2- August 10. The time is set as a deadline for posting assignments purposes. I will post all answers or necessary class materials by the specified class time. You do not need to be at your computers during this designated class-time. You can be anywhere and anytime to take this course as long as you have access to the Internet.
Format: WebCT (No face to face meetings. No chat-room discussions).
Description: What Does Visual Information Science Course Cover? With the proliferation of visual information in our daily lives, the need to incorporate the studies of visual information and visual literacy into the curriculum is one of the most pressing tasks. Our efforts in the past have been focused on textual information. How about visual information at this visual information age? That is the challenge to all of us and our profession. Visual Information Science will provide you with an exciting opportunity to examine visual information science issues. Visual Information Science will cover the following topics:
- Study the nature of information in textual and visual forms.
- Study the interdisciplinary nature of visual information science.
- Study information and visual information and communications theories.
- Understand and analyze needs and uses for both textual and visual information. User information seeking behavior for both textual and visual information.
- Discuss information policy, intellectual property, and copyright for both textual and visual information.
- Understand the theory and practice of information storage and retrieval systems for both textual and visual information.
- Understand and study issues relating to user interface design.
- Explore information technology for visual information science
- Study research methods for textual and visual information.
- Become familiar with important journals, books, and authors.
If you are interested in taking this course, please email Dr. Ma for the course syllabus. (An old syllabus for this course at URI is online).
Please check the online schedule at the LIS website for the most up to date information regarding schedule and location. I am sharing this primarily for the course descriptions.
Great site Dr. Drew!
Thanks for posting this information in a very clear and clean format.
Thanks Dean!
Happy holidays!
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