Friday, April 04, 2008

Congratulations to the New Officers

It is the time of year again. LIS student organizations are appointing and electing their new officers. Here is the roll call so far:

Graduate Student Organization
LIS Representative: Melissa Kayongo
LIS Alternate Rep: Open

HASL LIS Representative: Faye Yamasaki

WebVoyage Committee
Representative: Open

Hui Dui
President: Brett Bodemer
Vice President: Shelley Shimoda
Secretary: Mariko Kershaw
Treasurer: Neneng Rosmy
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wertheimer

American Library Association-SC
President: Karen Brown
Vice President: Amanda Hahn
Secretary: Kale Kingsbury
Treasurer: Jennifer Crowther
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wertheimer

President: Alice Tran
Vice President: Hanalei Abbott
Secretary: Tammy Zielinski
Treasurer: Marcy Bighill
Events Coordinator: Amanda Hahn
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Quiroga & Dr. Gazan

Society of American Archivists-SC
President: Jennifer Crowther
Vice President: Amanda Hahn
Secretary/Treasurer: Karen Brown
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Wertheimer

Web Team
Co-Chairs (aka "Co-Commanders Extraordinaire"): Pamela Hails & Alice Tran
"Superhuman Subordinates": Karen Brown & Tammy Zielinski
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nahl

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