Monday, May 14, 2007

Commencement Questions

I enjoy attending commencement each semester if possible, as do several of my colleagues -- especially Dr Knuth and Dr Nahl. We try to make it to each one. The university is kind enough to supply me with a cap & gown rental.

I also get a lot of questions from students, so let me provide some tips:

1) Many questions are answered at the UH Commencement site including Q&A, schedules, maps, directions, parking. (There is another site for faculty including registration and gown rental.

2) For LIS students, don't forget:

a) We're part of the College of Natural Sciences (which is part of the College of Arts & Sciences), so please stand when they call Natural Sciences.

b) I usually like to gather all LIS students together for a group photo.

I do this after the ceremony just as you exit the building. I try to hurry since I know you're hot in the outfit and can't wait to meet your family, but please be patient with me as I try to take several photos to make sure everyone looks good in the photo. I upload the ones that are OK to my flickr site. To make it a nice photo:

  • Please look at the camera
  • Tall people might want to situate themselves in the center or left side
  • Please form 2 rows if there are a more than a few students. It looks much better.
  • Smile. After all, you're done!

c) You can meet your family out on the field. The fields are usually divided A-M and N-Z. You should meet by your last name. There are letters in the field to help you meet. Parents/ family/ friends may take a while to reach you since the gaurds don't allow them to arrive until well after all the graduates have left the building. (That means you usually have time for the group photo, then an optional quick restroom stop... before meeting everyone outside).

d) If you take other photos, please consider adding them to our online ohana on flickr.

e) Be sure to thank your friends and families for everything. Now, it is time to celebrate!

PS UH Manoa will no longer have commencement ceremonies in Summer. Summer grads can walk in the previous May or following December event.


Dr. Drew said...

You probably have already heard that UH M has canceled the summer commencement exercise. Summer grads can walk in May or December. The old deadlines still apply though.

I've heard rumors that Chancellor Hinshaw might move the Spring 2008 Commencement to Saturday, so it won't be on Mother's Day. Stay tuned.

Dr. Drew said...

From an e-mail today:

Our 97th Annual Commencement Exercises will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2008, at the Stan Sheriff Center.

The undergraduate ceremony will begin at 9:00 a.m. Doors will open 1 hour prior to ceremony (or 8:00 a.m.). The ceremony will end by 12:00 p.m.

The graduate ceremony will begin at 3:00 p.m. Doors will open 1 hour prior to ceremony (or 2:00 p.m.). The ceremony will end by 5:00 p.m.

Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis, and no tickets will be issued. Undergraduate degree candidates are asked to limit their guests to five (5) individuals.

Campus parking is free on graduation day.

After the ceremonies, guests may meet graduates at the softball stadium, the football practice field, and the soccer field (alphabet signs will be posted, and maps will be available in the commencement program).

Beginning in the 2008-2009 academic year, commencement exercises will be held on Saturday instead of Sunday. The dates of future commencement exercises are listed below for your convenience.

· The Mid-Year Commencement Exercise will be held on Saturday, December 20, 2008

· The 98th Annual Commencement Exercises will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2009

(Manoa no longer holds summer graduation exercises.)

Thank you very much for your cooperation in our upcoming events.
You can get more information on our new Mânoa Commencement Hotline at 956-GRAD (4723), or to the commencement website:

Or you can call the commencement coordinator at 956-6145.